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As well as good for mental health, this sport of Table Tennis stretches you intellectually.

Also part of the intellectual challenge of the sport is deciding what your goals are and expectations. Do you want to be the best player in the area? Do you play more for social, happiness and fitness reasons, happy to reach a certain level and enjoy things? Just as in life some people need a firm sense of direction and target, others go with the flow. If you are a person who needs a goal then set such a goal for your Table Tennis. 

For those that want it to be it can really stretch and tax your mind. Some players will stand there a repeat a one-dimensional game again and again, win or lose. That's fine and sometimes such players prefer the simplicity of that. But there is another option, which is to deploy tactics and strategy. Our aim here is to make you aware of that so you can decide if that is approach you want to adopt.  

Such players will look to assess opportunities and come up with an effective approach to get an advantage. It is a sport that rewards such awareness. Via tactics a weaker player can sensationally defeat a higher ranked player. Tactics are what you deploy in an individual match, but developing a tactical mindset is a long term strategy. You don't just become tactical easily. You need to work on that. Assessing the match situation, what is happening, what is working and not working for you, what needs to change, what other tools you can deploy and when, what your opponent is doing and how they are feeling are all part of the tactical conundrum and takes judgement. You might be disappointed or out of breath when losing a point but still at that moment think of assessment, That is not easy. Some players can overthink tactics and forget to execute shots correctly. You need to blend the tactic with the correct shot selection as the ball comes towards you, it is a fast paced analysis for sure. Also note part of deciding your long term strategic approach to the game is then incorporating those shots into your practicing. A tactic can only be used if you have that shot available as a consistent and confident shot in your toolbox. Practice adds this to your toolbox.

The sport can also test your mind in relation to character and personality. How much patience do you have? Will you bounce back from adversity during a match and also after losses? How do you react to winning, complacency or still learn? Will you adopt a growth mindset and learn incrementally? With such questions the sport can be you look inside yourself and you will find out more.

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